Sunday, June 13, 2010

Leaving on a jetplane.

InsyaAllah, tomorrow I'll be leaving on a jetplane with my family, to Jeddah. Ayahhhh here we come! Hehee. When we are there, InsyaAllah, we will perform our Umrah.

To my dear friends, if you are reading this, I'm sorry for my wrongdoings. Kalau ada hutang apa-apa, minta dihalalkan for the time being. Kalau ada, please remind be to get back to you once I reached home, which will be on early July.

To my friends who are getting engaged/married, congratulations! I'm sorry I can't attend your engagement ceremony/reception. Happy for all of you! :)

Ya Allah, minta dipermudahkan perjalanan kami. Aminnnn.


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